Have you ever noticed how EXPENSIVE good quality, healthy ingredient, dog biscuits are?!?! You can spend a small fortune on these little treats, only to have them disappear in seconds with one gulp from Fido! These Homemade Parsley Dog Biscuits will not only make your pooch happy and have fresh breath, but will also save you wads of cash to buy them more toys! No complaints here…
Dexter’s treat bowl was rather low, and he didn’t seem too pleased about it! Rather than buy treats for him that would cost me my pay check and be full of chemicals, I decided to whip up a batch of biscuits for him at home. These biscuits always come out perfectly! The parsley helps to freshen Dexter’s hot breath, and what dog doesn’t need help with that!?!? Using only 5 ingredients, these treats are simple to make, healthy, and are delicious (according to Dexter)! (more…)