Do you like spending time outdoors? Think the sun can damage your skin any season of the year? If answered yes to these questions, you have the right idea! I am someone that spends a ton of time outdoors, all seasons of the year. Obviously, in the summer, more of my skin is exposed to the sun. However, In winter, especially with snow cover, the effects of the sun on my skin could be more intense and more damaging. I really mean to put sunscreen ALL of the time, but I’ll be honest- I don’t! This is partly because I refuse to put on the store-bought kind that is laden with synthetic-chemicals. Also, I am sometimes lazy. I know that is not safe and it bothers me quite a bit. I believe I solved my problem though…. This post may contain affiliate links.
Each morning, I apply my DIY Body Whipped Body Cream to my skin. I had the bright idea of tweaking my recipe just a bit to make this DIY Natural {All Season} Moisturizer Sun Cream! Now, each morning that I know I will spend time outdoors, I just rub this luscious cream on and VOILA! While moisturizing my skin, this DIY Natural Sun Cream also is keeping my skin healthy. It couldn’t be easier to make or use…
I am loving this DIY Natural All Season Moisturizer Sun Cream that I made. Using only 5 ingredients, this sun cream makes my skin SO smooth and soft, all the while protecting my skin from damaging UV rays. You can’t go wrong with this one…
Here’s what you need to make about 4 oz:
- 3 tablespoons
- 2 teaspoons
- 1 teaspoon
- 2 tablespoons
- 5- 10 drops of Young Living Essential Oils of your choice. I use a blend of lavender and rosemary because not only does it smell amazing, lavender essential oil is soothing, smoothing, and moisturizing for skin! I also use carrot seed oil. You can order them HERE.
Here’s Why this stuff works:
- Coconut Oil has a natural SPF of 5 and contains antioxidants that help protect the skin from harmful radiation from the sun.
- Olive Oil is a rich oil that acts a strong moisturizer.
- Sweet Almond Oil is full of Vitamin A which softens and moisturizes the skin.
- Zinc Oxide is a mineral that sits on top of the skin, reflecting the sun by reflecting UV rays creating a broad spectrum sunscreen.
Young Living Essential Oils have special properties to moisturize, protect and soothe skin.
Here’s what you do:
- In a double boiler, heat the coconut oil, olive oil, and almond until it is melted and incorporated. Remove from the heat once liquefied.
- Add in the zinc oxide and essential oils and stir well.
- Pour the mixture into a glass jar.
- Allow the mixture to cool. I like to leave mine in the fridge so it stays cool.
To use: Store in an airtight container and rub evenly on your skin where you need coverage.
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