18 Comments on DIY All Natural Outdoor Spray for Dogs

    • YES!!!! It is scary what can be in sprays you put both on yourself, and your pets! THis spray works really well!

  1. The mosquitoes are so bad by me this year despite multiple spraying. This is a great idea to keep your pet as comfortable as you yourself would want to be.

  2. great diy recipe! I will pass it on to my bestie who suffers every summer not knowing what to do with her puppy !

  3. I love this homemade spray for dogs made with essential oils ! I am a true believer that essential oils are the most effective and healthiest repellent available. It is also important to note that there are essential oils that are toxic to dogs :-). Thank you for sharing your recipe.

  4. Interesting to make outdoor sprays for dogs. One of my friend was recently looking out similar spray, I’ll share it with her.

  5. Ummmm, will someone look at me funny if I use this spray on myself! lol. I sounds so great and I love anything with lavender!!

  6. Oh this is such a great idea. I use some natural sprays for myself that I find absolutely amazing, I can only imagine what a natural spray for your pup can do.